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Re: [ARSCLIST] A fundamental Flaw: Was Sampling Theory (was Fred Layn's post on the Studer list re: Quantegy)

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005, Richard L. Hess wrote:

> I think some of John Eargle's recordings on Delos come close to this, but
> he uses outliers, etc. Don uses two mics. Period. He doesn't have a mixer.

And speaking of John Eargle...I find his work to be amongst the very best.

> line was done in the von Karajan recording in question. It's not "wrong"
> it's just a different approach to making music.

I find that it is equivalent to "reorchestrating" the music. Is it wrong,
for me, no, but is it Stravinsky...no.

> I wonder what percentage of listeners haven't spent time listening to real
> live music--and, today, what is live music? For example, the concert hall
> in Fort Worth TX has an augmented "sound" where the reverberation is
> electronically enhanced.

And I am reminded of our major concert hall here in Austin...everything,
including the Symphony, is amplified, "reinforced."

> Good thread, Jim! I'm not sure ARSCList is the correct place for it, but
> still, a good thread.

For me this is an appropriate place, for I believe the points that are
being raised are important to preservation and restoration. From my
perspective, audio reformatting is both a science and an art, not unlike
the original recording process.


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