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Re: [ARSCLIST] Magnetic tape shortage...

As a restoration specialist, I don't encourage people to erase and reuse
their masters.  With the threat of no more 2" tape being available, however,
I have noticed that people on a number of lists have been contemplating
doing just that.  If this does become necessary, and enough people are
interested, I have the ability to put together machinery to clean and test
2" audio tapes.

We have equipment that was originally designed to clean and test 2" data
tape for reuse by the aerospace industry.  This machinery has been
re-engineered to process 2" audio and video tape for master restoration and
disaster recovery at our laboratory.

Since we have a number of these machines, it would be possible for us to
retro-engineer one of the machines to clean and test 2" audio tape for reuse
similar to its original application for data tape).  This would involve
installing read/write heads and erase heads in one of the machines as well
as the diagnostic circuits to analyze the magnetic test signal laid down on
the tape.

The retro-engineering might take a little time so this option is not
available immediately (We can clean 2" audio tape at this point but not lay
down the magnetic test signal).  I thought I'd just float the idea out there
to see if enough people are interested to make it worth while our doing the
engineering work.  If anyone is interested, E-mail me directly at:
peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx .

Peter Brothers
(201) 440-6589

Restoration and Disaster Recovery Service Since 1983

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
> [mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx]On Behalf Of davidgarland
> Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 4:02 PM
> To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Magnetic tape shortage...
> In reference to the shortage of magnetic recording tape...
> I have seen on eBay for sale new 1/4" tape of Russian manufacture.
> Anyone have any details on this product.
> Dave Garland
> garland@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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