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[ARSCLIST] Trial Balloon: Audio Restoration Seminar? Should I do one?

This email is to gauge the interest of my running an audio restoration seminar.

I've thought long and hard about it, and I think it's an idea worth
pursuing, but I'd like to see if there is any interest out there among
archivists and recordists.

The selection of venue and the size of the group are intertwined. At this
point, it looks as if a very small group in my home office and studio might
be the best bet.

It seems logical to me to make this a three-and-a-half day seminar. This
allows for Monday as a travel day, Tuesday-Thursday as full days, and
Friday a half day wrap up.

  Discussions of what each participant would like to come away with
  Listening session to show some of the archival challenges
  Discussion of tape recording basics: track formats, noise reduction, etc.

  Studio Day One:
  Hands on evaluating noise reduction playback matching
  Hands on reel-to-reel adjusting azimuth using tones and "by ear"
  Introduction to Samplitude, Diamond Cut, and Algorithmix software

  Restoring tapes YOU brought
  Group dinner included at a local sushi restaurant which also offers
cooked and
     vegetarian-friendly meals

Friday Morning:
  Completing restorations
  Wrap Up and questions

The location would be suburban Toronto, the fifth largest metro area in
North America and considered by many to be a great destination.

Accommodations would be at a local Howard Johnson's motel (not included in
fee). We would provide transportation from the motel to our home studio. To
save time, lunch will probably be included, but I'm not sure yet.

Probable time would be late April or early May 2005, and annually
thereafter if there is interest.

Number of participants will probably be limited to six or fewer.

So, please let me know if anyone is interested. I've had some people ask if
they can they come and work with me for a bit.

Please see http://www.richardhess.com/tape/ for what I do. The facility
photos are the old Glendale, CA facility. We're in the process of
rebuilding but have a lot more space than you see in the photos.

If the above outline doesn't do it for you, what would YOU like to have at
a seminar of this nature?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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