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Re: [ARSCLIST] CD-DA track breaks

Hi, Andy.

Most CD-players (indeed, most digital players) have three features which
obviate the need for you to do this: 

1. Most have a "Pause" button that does no harm to the recording (unlike
2. Most have a real-time clock (an uncommon feature on cassette players)
3. Most have a "Search" button that does no harm to the recording
(unlike cassette-players)

Your efforts might be better spent noting a running-time against
keywords onto the CD inlay or documentation.

The digital age is a real boon to the recording of oral

All the Best

Nigel Champion
Archive Technician
Archive of Maori & Pacific Music

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of andy kolovos
Sent: Thursday, 9 December 2004 9:29 a.m.
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ARSCLIST] CD-DA track breaks


We're about to embark on our first CD-DA release of a radio documentary
we've produced.  In the past we've always released such things on

The radio program is just under an hour long.  To me this makes it
necessary to insert some sort of breaks into the program to facilitate
access to different parts of it, and so that if someone is listening and
gets interrupted, he or she won't have to start from the beginning when
she returns to it.

When I want to insert track breaks into CD-DA versions of interviews, I
just break the piece up into 5 minute long tracks, remove the silences
that Nero automatically places between the tracks, and then burn the

In this case (being a commercial release and all) such an approach seems
somewhat--I don't know--inelegant.  Is there any other way this can be
done? Is there a way to break up the audio so that the program time will
not be reset at every break? How the heck do books-on-CD pull this stuff

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