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Re: [ARSCLIST] Wire recorders

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Angie at Avocado Productions wrote:

> I transfer a great deal of wires every year and could charge a lot more
for doing it.  As the majority of wires I receive come from individuals
with fixed incomes, helping them preserve their family history became very
important to me.  And I came up with a rate that would not make them
think twice about having it done.  I been privileged to hear some
wonderfully fascinating and historical things on wire.  And it makes me
wonder just what is not being preserved for monetary reasons.  Of the
hundreds of wires I have transferred, I've only completely lost one.  It was
many years ago and I was more devastated than the client.

Which reminds me...

I would guess many of us have had the experience of seeing how those
family memories can effect clients. I am reminded of a daughter hearing
the voice of her mother (who died giving birth to the daughter) for the
first time...a woman discovering a disc in the attic (recorded in 1929)
which featured her great grandparents speaking.

And speaking of wire...I was pleased to find a few Boston Symphony
broadcasts on wire...Tanglewood performances...some not, based upon my
research, not otherwise surviving.

As for the difficulties with wire...then there was the one time when I
spent several days trying to get one reel to play, then rewinding it, and
getting it tangled again!


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