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Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio Material Assessment Survey

Sorry to bring a little dampness to your parade:

Do NOT play noise-reduced tapes backwards. There are time constants in the noise
reduction processor that I don't believe are totally symmetrical.

By this I mean any flavor of Dolby, dbx, or Telcom (or Burwen or is it Burwin?).

For non-noise-reduced 1/4-track tapes, I often record all four channels
simultaneously and then flip two. This gets it all in one pass. Also works for
two-track mono (with a different head).



Quoting Don Cox <doncox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> > And if the tape is tails out, you can go ahead
> > and let it play backwards, and then flip the wave form on the computer
> > to listen to it forwards (of course, any dropouts you hear will be
> > backwards ... or will they?)
> No. They will come out correctly when the file is reversed, like any other
> change of level.


Richard L. Hess

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