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Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio Material Assessment Survey


You need a machine with a library wind or a second machine to smoothly wind
tapes in play mode.

You are damaging the collection by leaving tapes fast wound.

What is the manufacturer, model, and year of manufacture of the tape machine
that you are using for this assessment.



Richard L. Hess

Quoting Allison Feist <feist@xxxxxxxx>:

> Hello again,
> Thank you both Rod and Don! You were correct to assume that I
> was rewinding at a high speed.  Given the size of the
> collection I am looking at, even with a sample, playback
> assessment would be way too time consuming for every reel in a
> box.
> Is there a preferred method of practice for playback assessment
> in a collection?  For example with 14 reels in a box would it
> be  acceptable to play and rewind one of each type (type
> meaning brand/material.  So far the boxes I have looked at have
> contained 3 or 4 different brands, 2 different materials and 2
> different speeds.)
> Thanks, Allison
> ______________________________________
> Allison Feist, Graduate Assistant
> Modern Languages & Linguistics Library
> 439 Library
> 1408 W. Gregory Drive
> Urbana, IL 61801

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