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Re: [ARSCLIST] storage media

Interesting that this would be brought up, as I'm currently researching alternative methods for the storage of nitrate cylinders. Some of you on this list will know a great deal about this topic that I but Library of Congress is looking for a plastic to replace Metal Edge-style paper housing. I'd be interested in hearing the views of list members on this topic.


Brandon Burke
Digital Library Services
University of Texas at Austin

On Jun 9, 2004, at 1:17 PM, Richard L. Hess wrote:

Hello, Donna,

My preliminary investigations indicate that cardboard boxes are serving us well
and should not be changed. If they are highly acidic, they should be replaced.

If you have acetate tapes, I believe the cardboard allows enough breathing and
also acts as a buffer (like a molecular sieve in a film can) that absorbs the
outgassing acetic acid.

I haven't fully proven this, but it is a logical hypothesis.

So, unless the boxes are really yellow and brittle, I wouldn't change them.

You might finr some useful information on my "tips" page at

If you have any questions as you undertake your digitizing project, feel free to
ask me.



Richard L. Hess

Quoting Donna Sinclair <Donnas@xxxxxxx>:

Speaking of storage media, can anyone tell me whether reel-to-reel should be
put in special storage cases? Most of our tapes are currently in the boxes
the tape comes in. We are planning a digitizing project and I am trying to
calculate cost. Any assistance would be helpful.

Donna Sinclair
Special Collections Coordinator, Oral History
Oregon Historical Society Research Library

"Nancy's Overland Stage Lines (Nancy and Larry A. Hall, Sr.)"
  <NancysOverlandStageLines@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 06/09/04 09:57AM >>>
The only dumb question is the one not asked.

Have lurked for a while on the list.

Recent comments about 78 storage in zip-loc bags prompts me to ask the

Can cd's, in their little jewel boxes, be safely stored in metal boxes?

I've been fotunate to be exposed in my lifetime to almost all the recording
media. Having accumulated a treasure of audio tapes over the last thirty
years, has always made me allergic to magnets and metal boxes.

I presume CD's are plastic and the coating to be aluminum.

Comments appreciated.

Nancy and Larry Hall,
National Radio Club,
American Radio Relay League

Â"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his
in New York and his head is meowing
in Los Angeles.
Do you understand this?

Â"And radio operates exactly the same way:
you  send signals  here, they  receive  them
there.     The only difference is
that there is no cat.Â"   --  Albert Einstein

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