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Re: [ARSCLIST] Need advice on moving large collection during summer

Dear Randy:

The first advice that comes to my mind is make sure the truck does not
leak.  We moved our archives to a new facility last September, and it
rained the day we began moving the collections.
The moving van, which was a medium size u-haul, began to leak on our
microfilm collection.  We
had to replace the trucks.   We used acid free packing paper in each box
of fragile materials to absorb any shifiting.  Do not stack more than
two boxes.  As far as heat, if you can get a climate controlled truck
you would fix that problem, but you really need to go straight without
Pack some food & water and find another driver.

Best regards,
Preston Everett
Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Image & Sound
Audio-Visual Curator

Sirnailhead JR Superfly wrote:

Hey..I'm moving a large collection of LPs, 7"s, CDs and such via a 10
foot moving box truck during the last week of June.  I will be going from
Chicago to DC, so it will probably take 2 days, unless I can find another
soul who wants to share the driving and make it one shot.  I'm interested
in any advice any of you may have on doing this with the least possible
damage.  Mainly I'm concerned about the potential heat inside the truck.
I will probably be stacking the records in the boxes with lids that Bags
Unltd has near the front and then packing the rest of the stuff around
that to keep it safe from shifting.  Is there anyway to prevent warping
from heat?  Any tricks, advice, ideas of what not to do about this or any
other situations that might come up would be much obliged.   I know this
is closer to the outer edge of the topic, but I"m hoping some of you who
might have dealt with larger collections at Schools, Museums, and such
might have picked up some tricks or words of wisdom I might find useful.
Thanks.  Randy

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