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[ARSCLIST] Groove Damage--was: Highly unorthodox cleaning methods for LP's...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron Luis Levinson" <aaron.levinson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> I have also removed quite a few bad skips by using hard-to-believe
> manual methods.
> The latest victory was with: second track on side 1
> of Picanthropus Erectus by Charles Mingus original
> Atlantic black label, 1956. This album with a skip
> was worth half of what it is now worth without one.
> The aesthetic value of hearing it straight through: priceless.
So...how to manually correct skips or sticks on microgroove records?
I've never been able to locate visible damage on these (unlike 78's
where groove damage is usually visible). Obviously, at some point
on the disc, the stylus can follow an alternative path...but if
that path is invisible to the naked eye, how does one correct it?
Steven C. Barr

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