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Re: [ARSCLIST] disc cleaning technology

In a message dated 1/27/04 9:54:35 AM, gn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

<< If Dave had JUST looked a little further he would have found the Keith
Record Cleaning Machine at my website:- >>

Thank you Graham, the Monks machine is a magnificent piece of machinery worth
every penny of the $4,300.  However, I've found the Loricraft ($1900) quite
serviceable for a "cheap knock-off" at half the price, though many will find
either above their budgets.

No, I never did get a good look at the Monks machine; I was unaware that it
could handle 16" transcriptons;  and thanks for showing me the "real item' --
nonetheless it would certainly have exceeded *my* budget.

My point was these these kinds of machines are much better than the vacuum
arm/brush of the type purveyed by Nitty Gritty.

Dave Radlauer

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