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Re: [ARSCLIST] Record cleaning fluid recommendations?

RA Friedman wrote:

> We're going to be getting a VPI 16.5 unit to only LP's. I've looked around
> and there seems to be enormous difference of opinion on what kind of fluid to
> use and the methods. Ideally, we should get a Monks or a LoriCraft unit, but
> the money is just not there.
Too bad it isn't... the Monks machine is clearly the best device yet designed
for the purpose, (Loricraft is a poor quality under powered knock-off of the
Monks machine) which is why I took on the North American agency for
Keith Monks a few years ago.

The manual for the Keith Monks "Archivist" machine describes a few cleaning
methods and solutions that you can make yourself which are proven to be safe.
I can email a PDF file of it to anyone who wants it... send me a private off
list email.

> I've considered going for the simple 25% technical isopropyl alcohol,
> 75% deionized/distilled water, but I haven't been able to locate suitable
> wetting agents. Can you use lab grade ethylene glycol and if so, how much
> should you add to the mix?
It is strongly suggested that you DO NOT use any alcohols because they will
remove plasticizers from the disc surface and can further damage some pressing
compounds irreparably.  Ethylene Glycol is also questionable.

The key to a safe non-destructible cleaning of phonograph records is to get
the cleaning fluid on the disc, worked in and off the disc as quickly as
possible, and a distilled water rinse to remove any remnants ia always
desirable.  Unfortunately, I'm told, this is something you cannot easily do
with the VPI machine due to it's construction.

... Graham Newton

Audio Restoration by Graham Newton, http://www.audio-restoration.com
World class professional services applied to tape or phonograph records for
consumers and re-releases, featuring CEDAR's new CAMBRIDGE processes.

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