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Re: [ARSCLIST] More on "Bolero"

> From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
> [mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Mike Richter
> I passed along the response here to my source, who replied:
> >Only part of the answer, I believe.
> >
> >The Boléro, publsihed as being conducted by the composer, was allegedly
> >directed by the the Portuguese conductor Pedro de Freitas Branco.
> >
> >I rather doubt that, in 1930, Ravel would be in condition to conduct
> >anything at all. His brain dysfunction, reason for the operation during
> >which he died, would prevent him from keeping time. Give
> instructions to a
> >conductor he certainly could, but I rather doubt the he could
> actually wield
> >the baton.
> We are far from my area of expertise and I will not re-enter the fray.
Mike, thanks for sharing this.  I can't speak to the medical issues, but
there is newsreel footage of Ravel conducting the first French performance
of the "left-hand" piano concerto, with Paul Wittgenstein as soloist, early
in 1933.  So his conducting in 1930 is not ruled out.

In the case of Bolero, absent documentary evidence I assume that your source
has confused this with the 1932 recording of the G major piano concerto,
with Marguerite Long as soloist, for Columbia.  Here it is clearly
established that Freitas Branco is the actual conductor of this recording,
published as conducted by Ravel.


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