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[ARSCLIST] Radio Programs

Does anybody know anything about a radio program entitled, "Schools at the Crossroads" or "Your School at the Crossroads."  It was broadcast in 1951 and 1952.
Also, what about the radio program, "Year of Crisis" or "Year of Crises"?  This appears to be done annually at the end of the year.
Any help with these would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Jay Gaidmore
The Library of Virginia

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Steve Weiss [mailto:smweiss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
	Sent: Fri 7/25/2003 10:09 AM 
	To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
	Subject: [ARSCLIST] Cylinder Repair

	Does anyone know of a reputable repairer of cylinder machines on the
	east coast (preferrably in the mid-atlantic or southeast states)?
	We have a table model Edison Amberola that needs some attention.
	Thanks in advance,
	Steven M. Weiss
	Head of the Southern Folklife Collection/Media Archivist
	Manuscripts Department
	CB#3926, Wilson Library
	University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
	Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890

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