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Re: [ARSCLIST] Long-term/preservation audio

I stil have a problem with digital storage, and electronics in general for long term perservation.  Hard drives last about 3 years and are worn out. caps and resistors have a limited life,  not more than 30 years. However if the sound is perpetuated around the globe, well then at least the sound survies somewhere.  I have problems with all the eggs in one basket, and thus the distribution to the masses makes them live that much longer. and the sound can be perserved on a stamper or galvano, as some call them, which can be in itelf durable and playable, 16" 33rpm stamper maxtix. one should make a negative and a positive one.  However:   The North American Phonograph Co. already has  a pubically acessable archive that anyone  can listen and purchase archived sound. Project Borri Records , by Mike Loughin, and Shawn Borri  in connection with Edison National Historic site, the Smithsonian and other archives  Is to ! make turn of the century music, and ethnological culter avaliable to all.  I hope you find this as exciting as I do.


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