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[ARSCLIST] MLA 2003 Awards & New Board Members


Here is the basic information on the 2003 Music Library Association
Publications Awards, Gerboth and Epstein Awards, Freeman Travel Grant
and new board members. Further information about the awards, the
recipients, next year's awards, and the Music Library Association can
be found on the MLA website: www.musiclibraryassoc.org.

Music Library Association
2003 Awards & New Board Members

Treasuer/Executive Secretary

Nancy Nuzzo (Director, Music Library, State Univ. of New York at Buffalo)


Pauline Bayne (Head of Music and Media Services, Univ. of Tenn.)
Richard LeSueur (Music Specialist, Ann Arbor District Library)
Renée McBride (Humanities and Music Cataloger, UCLA)


Publication Awards

Vincent H. Duckles Award

For the best book-length bibliography or research tool in music
published in 2001.

Horst Leuchtmann and Bernhold Schmid.  Orlando di Lasso: seine Werke in
zeitgenössischen Drucken, 1555-1687.  Orlando di Lasso: Sämtliche Werke: Supplement.  Kassel; New York: Bärenreiter, 2001

Richard S. Hill Award

For the best article on music librarianship or article of a
music-bibliographic nature published in 2001.

Teresa M. Gialdroni and Agostino Ziino.  "New Light on Ottaviano Petrucci's Activity, 1520-38: An Unknown Print of the Motteti dal fiore." in Early Music 29 (November 2001): 500-532.

Eva Judd O'Meara Award

For the best review published in the organization's journal, Notes, in 2001.

Mark Germer. "[Review of] The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2d ed., edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan; New York: Grove's Dictionaries, 2001)."  Notes 58 (December 2001): 320-325.
Dena Epstein Award

This award was created to support research in archives or libraries
internationally on any aspect of American Music.

Ayden Adler (Doctoral student, Eastman School of Music).
Award granted to study the cultural conflicts underlying the phenomenon of pops concerts, viewed as an attempt to provide orchestra music born out of aristocratic European elitism to the democratically-minded American general public through the institution of the American symphony orchestra.

Ryan Jones (Doctoral student, Brandeis University).
Award granted to study and document the compositional processes involved in Aaron Copland's only opera, The Tender Land (1954).

Kevin Freeman Travel Grant

The grant supports travel and hotel expenses to attend the Music
Library Association's annual meeting.  The applicant must be a member
of the Music Library Association and either be in the first three
years of his/her professional career, a graduate library school
student (by the time of the conference in February 2003), aspiring to
become a music librarian, or a recent graduate (within one year of
degree) of a graduate program in librarianship who is seeking a
professional position as a music librarian.

Kirstin Dougan (Metadata Librarian, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
Rachel Rogers (Media Librarian, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
Stacie Traill (Special Formats Coordinator/Cataloger, Univ. of Minnesota) 

Gerboth Award

Awarded annually to members of MLA who are in the first five years of
their professional library careers, to assist research-in-progress in
music or music librarianship.

Daniel Boomhower (Asst. Music Librarian, Princeton Univ.)

The goal of his project is to examine the publication of music by and writings about Johann Sebastian Bach originating in the early- to mid-twentieth century from the German music publisher Bärenreiter-Verlag.  The chronological parameters for the study span from 1923-- the founding year of the firm, to 1954-- the year in which the initial volume of the Neue Bach Ausgabe was published.  Mr. Boomhower's plan is to investigate changes in the firm's publishing program and its reflection of contemporary music interests during this period, specifically the firm's development from a publisher of songs for the Jugendbewegung to the principal scholarly publisher of music editions and criticisms.  Mr. Boomhower's goal is to understand the consequences of mid-twentieth century history on present day musical scholarship and culture.  In the context of his research, Mr. Boomhower is examining all of Bärenreiter's Bach publications within the specified timeframe.

MLA Special Achievement Award & MLA Citation

The Music Library Association Citation is awarded in recognition of
significant contributions to, or support of, the profession of music
librarianship over an extended period of time.  The Association's Special Achievement Award recognizes extraordinary service to the profession of music librarianship.  This is the first time that both awards have been given to a single individual at the same time.

Paula Matthews (Music Librarian, Princeton University)

The awards were made in recognition of her exceptional work for MLA, in
particular for her role as President (1999-2001).

Alan Karass
Music Librarian - College of the Holy Cross
MLA Publicity Officer
1 College St., P.O. 151A
Worcester, MA  01610
(508)793-2295 office
(508)793-3030 fax

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