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arsclist MLA's 72nd Annual Meeting

The Music Library Association (MLA) will hold its 72nd Annual Meeting at the Renaissance Austin Hotel in Austin, Texas, February 10-16, 2003.  The opening plenary session, titled "You Can't Hear American Music Without Hearing Texas," will include an overview by Casey Monahan, Director of the Texas Music Office and David Neumeyer, Chair of the newly established Center for American Music at the University of Texas School of Music.  The second plenary session will focus on the revolution in the recording industry.  The panelists will discuss the legal, technological, business and library issues related to changes in this industry.

The MLA Local Arrangements Committee, host of the 72nd Annual Meeting, is planning tours of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center and the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum.  Additionally, there will be an MLA Organ Crawl.

The annual meeting will also include a reception at the Architecture Library at the University of Texas and a concert featuring music of which the University's Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center owns manuscripts.

As part of the conference, MLA's Education Committee and Bibliographic Instruction Subcommittee is sponsoring a continuing education workshop on information literacy.  The presenters will discuss the background and philosophies of information literacy, the current information literacy world and practical tools for teaching and assessment.

For more information about MLA's 72nd Annual Meeting, contact David Hunter at david.hunter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  Information is also available on the MLA website: www.musiclibraryassoc.org and the meeting's website: www.baylor.edu/MLA/2003.

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