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Re: arsclist Cassette Sticky-Shed

The name on the box or label may not properly identify the actual CD-R
manufacturer. Use CD-R Ident for that purpose if you wish to develop a
database. It is available at:


Media Sciences, Inc.

Prentice, Will wrote:
> Steve Smolian wrote:
> "Tape formulations changed without notice.  A given brand and number,
> manufactured at different times, may have had minor changes made to the
> formula that has now shown significan consequences.
> It would be useful to know what cassette brands and product numbers have
> developed sticky-shed. If there is a date of recording as well, that could
> contribute to identifying those at risk. Of course, this does not "date"
> that tape but gives some idea of when it was in use."
> Now might also be a good time for us all to think about keeping accurate
> records of manufacturers and batch numbers of CD-Rs which develop problems,
> and pooling ongoing results.
> Will Prentice
> Technical Department
> British Library                 Tel: +44 (0)20-7412-7443
> National Sound Archive  Fax: +44 (0)20-7412-7416
> 96 Euston Road          http://www.bl.uk
> London NW1 2DB UK       http://cadensa.bl.uk (online catalogue)

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