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arsclist alt8-keypad using ISO-8859-1

This is decimal, hexadecimal, what comes as a result of typing alt-keypad,
and the ASCII code. Tell us what you see on your screen.

  0 00 nothing CRTL-@ NUL (Null prompt)
  1 01 ? question mark (qm) CTRL-A SOH (Start of heading)
  2 02 ? qm CTRL-B STX (Start of text)
  3 03 ? qm CTRL-C ETX (End of text)
  4 04 ? qm CTRL-D EOT (End of transmission)
  5 05 ? qm CTRL-E ENQ (Enquiry)
  6 06 ? qm CTRL-F ACK (Acknowledge) 
  7 07 * black box CTRL-G BEL (Bell)
  8 08 ? qm CTRL-H BS (Backspace)
  9 09 ? qm CTRL-I HT (Horizontal tab)
 10 0A ? qm CTRL-J LF (Linefeed)
 11 0B ? qm CTRL-K VT (Vertical tab)
 12 0C ? qm CTRL-L NP (Newpage) or FF (Formfeed)
 13 0D ? qm CTRL-M CR (Carriage return)
 14 0E ? qm CTRL-N SO (Shift out)
 15 0F ¤ circle with four prongs CTRL-O SI (Shift in)
 16 10 ? qm CTRL-P DLE (Data link escape)
 17 11 ? qm CTRL-Q DC1 (X-ON)
 18 12 ? qm CTRL-R DC2
 19 13 ? qm CTRL-S DC3 (X-OFF)
 20 14 ¶ paragraph symbol CTRL-T DC4
 21 15 § section symbol CTRL-U NAK (No acknowledge)
 22 16 ? qm CTRL-V SYN (Synchronous idle)
 23 17 ? qm CTRL-W ETB (End transmission blocks)
 24 18 ? qm CTRL-X CAN (Cancel)
 25 19 ? qm CTRL-Y EM (End of medium)
 26 1A ? qm CTRL-Z SUB (Substitute)
 27 1B ? qm CTRL-[ ESC (Escape)
 28 1C ? qm CTRL-  FS (File separator)
 29 1D ? qm CTRL-] GS (Group sequence)
 30 1E ? qm CTRL-^ RS (Record separator)
 31 1F ? qm CTRL-_ US (Unit separator)
The following correspond to the ASCII characters

 32 20 space
 33 21 ! exclamation point !
 34 22 " double quotation mark "
 35 23 # octothorp #
 36 24 $ dollar sign $
 37 25 % percent sign %
 38 26 & ampersand &
 39 27 ' single quotation mark (apostrophe) '
 40 28 ( left parenthesis (
 41 29 ) right parenthesis )
 42 2A * asterisk *
 43 2B + plus sign +
 44 2C , comma ,
 45 2D - hyphen -
 46 2E . period .
 47 2F / slash /
 48 30 0 zero 0
 49 31 1 one 1
 50 32 2 two 2
 51 33 3 three 3
 52 34 4 four 4
 53 35 5 five 5
 54 36 6 six 6
 55 37 7 seven 7
 56 38 8 eight 8
 57 39 9 nine 9
 58 3A : colon :
 59 3B ; semicolon ;
 60 3C < left angle bracket <
 61 3D = equal sign =
 62 3E > right angle bracket >
 63 3F ? Question mark ?
 64 40 @ "At" sign @
 65 41 A
 66 42 B
 67 43 C
 68 44 D
 69 45 E
 70 46 F
 71 47 G
 72 48 H
 73 49 I
 74 4A J
 75 4B K
 76 4C L
 77 4D M
 78 4E N
 79 4F O
 80 50 P
 81 51 Q
 82 52 R
 83 53 S
 84 54 T
 85 55 U
 86 56 V
 87 57 W
 88 58 X
 89 59 Y
 90 5A Z
 91 5B [ Left square bracket [
 92 5C \ backslash \
 93 5D ] Right square bracket ]
 94 5E ^ caret ^
 95 5F _ underscore _
 96 60 ` back quote
 97 61 a
 98 62 b
 99 63 c
100 64 d
101 65 e
102 66 f
103 67 g
104 68 h
105 69 i
106 6A j
107 6B k
108 6C l
109 6D m
110 6E n
111 6F o
112 70 p
113 71 q
114 72 r
115 73 s
116 74 t
117 75 u
118 76 v
119 77 w
120 78 x
121 79 y
122 7A z
123 7B { left curly brace {
124 7C | Vertical bar |
125 7D } right curly brace }
126 7E ~ tilde ~

127 7F ¦ Broken vertical bar DEL (Delete or rubout)

End of first 128 characters

128 80 Ç C cedilla (HTML &#199;)
129 81 ü u umlaut (252)
130 82 é e acute accent (233)
131 83 â a circumflex (266)
132 84 ä a umlaut (228)
133 85 à a grave accent (224)
134 86 å a ring (229)
135 87 ç c cedilla (231)
136 88 ê e circumflex (234)
137 89 ë e umlaut (235)
138 8A è e grave (232)
139 8B ï i umlaut (239)
140 8C î i circumflex (238)
141 8D ì i grave (236)
142 8E Ä A umlaut (196)
143 8F Å A ring (197)
144 90 É E acute (201)
145 91 æ ae diphthong (230)
146 92 Æ AE diphthong (198)
147 93 ô o circumflex (212)
148 94 ö o umlaut (246)
149 95 ò o grave (242)
150 96 û u circumflex (251)
151 97 ù u grave (252)
152 98   stops, takes two space-keys to resume
153 99 Ö O umlaut (214)
154 9A Ü U umlaus (219)
155 9B ¢ cent sign (162)
156 9C £ pound sterling (163)
157 9D ¥ yen sign (164)
158 9E P P
159 9F f full box
160 A0 á a acute (225)
161 A1 í i acute (237)
162 A2 ó o acute (243)
163 A3 ú u acute (250)
164 A4 ñ n tilde (241)
165 A5 Ñ N tilde (209)
166 A6 ª small upper a with a line under it
167 A7 º small upper o with a line under it
168 A8 ¿ upside down question mark
169 A9 ¬ not sign (172)
170 AA ¬ not sign (172)
171 AB ½ one-half
172 AC ¼ one-quarter
173 AD ¡ upside down exclamatino point 
174 AE « left angle quote (171)
175 AF » right angle quote (187)
176 B0 ¦ broken vertical bar (166)
177 B1 ¦ ditto
178 B2 ¦ ditto
179 B3 ¦ ditto
180 B4 ¦ ditto
181 B5 ¦ ditto
182 B6 ¦ ditto
183 B7 + plus sign
184 B8 + plus sign
185 B9 ¦ broken vertical bar
186 BA ¦ ditto
187 BB + plus sign
188 BC + plus sign
189 BD + plus sign
190 BE + plus sign
191 BF + plus sign
192 C0 + plus sign
193 C1 - minus sign
194 C2 - minus sign
195 C3 + plus sign
196 C4 - minus sign
197 C5 + plus sign
198 C6 ¦ broken vertical bar
199 C7 ¦ ditto
200 C8 + plus sign
201 C9 + plus sign
202 CA - minus sign
203 CB - minus sign
204 CC ¦ broken vertical bar
205 CD - minus sign
206 CE + plus sign
207 CF - minus sign
208 D0 - minus sign
209 D1 - minus sign
210 D2 - minus sign
211 D3 + plus sign
212 D4 + plus sign
213 D5 + plus sign
214 D6 + plus sign
215 D7 + plus sign
216 D8 + plus sign
217 D9 + plus sign
218 DA + plus sign
219 DB ¦ broken vertical bar
220 DC _ underscore 
221 DD ¦ broken vertical bar
222 DE ¦ ditto
223 DF ¯ superscore
224 E0 a a
225 E1 ß German sz
226 E2 G G
227 E3 p p
228 E4 S S
229 E5 s s
230 E6 µ Greek mu
231 E7 t t
232 E8 F F
233 E9 T T
234 EA O O
235 EB d d
236 EC 8 8
237 ED f f
238 EE e e
239 EF n n
240 F0 = equal sign =
241 F1 ± plus of minus sign (177)
242 F2 = equal sign =
243 F3 = equal sign =
244 F4 ( Left parenthesis (
245 F5 ) Right parenthesis )
246 F6 ÷ division sign
247 F7 ~ black square
248 F8 ° masculine ordinal (small upper o)
249 F9 · middle dot (153)
250 FA · middle dot (153)
251 FB v v
252 FC n n
253 FD ² superscript 2
254 FE ¦ broken vertical bar
255 FF   space

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