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Re: arsclist record archive (data, sound or both?)

Now part II...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Premise Checker" <checker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: arsclist record archive (data, sound or both?)
> While you're at it, where did the two million 78s come from? I think you
> can figure out an approximate total of Victors from Mike Sherman's _The
> Collector's Guide to Victor Records_ and perhaps extrapolate to the number
> of total 78s from all record labels.
Figured this way...
Victor, RCA-Victor, HMV-Victor:
 Estimate >100,000 issued during the 5-digit era (1900-1943), since very few
were duplicated. Probanly same or less for the xx-xxxx era.
Total <200,000
10,000 or less SF issues.
Probably <20,000 (letter)-#### issues (1908-23)
Figure <50,000 ####-(letter) issues, including Masterworks.
Then fugure <30,000 CBS-era issues.
Total c. 100,000
Now, even if we estimate 200,000 independent company issues
before 1942, we get 500,000 total pre-AFM-ban. That allows us
1.500,000 postwar issues before hitting two million! Note that I'm
figuring North America only, since I don't have similar figures (or
series details) for most other countries.

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