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Re: arsclist Thoughts on a "dream" manual declicker, etc.

> Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 17:33:48 -0500
> From: Dave Bradley <db65@xxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: arsclist Thoughts on a "dream" manual declicker/deglitcher for
> 78  restoration (Windows-based software)
> At 08:19 AM 12/4/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>> > However, for your purposes I would suggest that you look
>> > at Cool Edit Pro.
>>I have tried Cool Edit, and found it very wanting.
> Might I point out that he did not suggest you try "Cool Edit" but suggested
> that you try "Cool Edit Pro" they are totally different in their scope, and
> in the functions they have in them.  The Glitch Removal in CEP is one of
> the best I've heard, and since NoNoise and CEDAR seem to color the sound a
> little bit too muffled for my ears, I was quite happy to hear that there's
> better stuff out there.

Oy.  Please remember that CEDAR, like all such processors, is NOT ONE FIXED
THING. The company makes *several*, totally different and *adjustible*
processors which, with some effort, can be made to mutilate audio, just like
any of the others!  But if used with care, it is transparent.  Listen to the
3-CD blues collection I just engineered for Bluebird ("When The Sun Goes
Down"), and tell me if you hear the sound the least bit "muffled".  RSVP

Doug Pomeroy   pomeroyaudio@xxxxxxx
Audio Restoration & Remastering Services
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