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Re: arsclist Thoughts on a "dream" manual declicker, etc.

On 15/12/02, Doug Pomeroy wrote:

> Oy. Please remember that CEDAR, like all such processors, is NOT ONE
> FIXED THING. The company makes *several*, totally different and
> *adjustible* processors which, with some effort, can be made to
> mutilate audio, just like any of the others! But if used with care, it
> is transparent. Listen to the 3-CD blues collection I just engineered
> for Bluebird ("When The Sun Goes Down"), and tell me if you hear the
> sound the least bit "muffled". RSVP

It all depends on the ear and judgement of the engineer, and it helps if
he is a practising musician, like John R T Davies.

Don Cox

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