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Re: arsclist Tubes will not die

On 18-Nov-02, McDade, Rob  (SLSA) wrote:
> Well I might be green when it comes to what you guys are talking about
> but the fact is is that my cheap crappy tube guitar amp sounds a lot
> better than the cheap crappy solid state amp I used to have. IT always
> cut through a lot better at gigs.

However, this is a very different application from transferring archive
recordings, where what you want is accuracy rather than a punchy sound
out of the speakers.

I don't think guitar amps are any kind of proof of the advantages of
tubes for ARSC.

More relevant would be the use of tubes in the most expensive CD decks
and other line level equipment. Some of the designers may be doing this
to satisfy fashion, but there are certainly companies whose top models
use tubes while their "almost as good" models use transistors. 


The most likely reason for any superiority of tubes, which is admittedly
very hard to prove in the lab, is better behavior on transient or
impulse signals.

Don Cox

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