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RE: arsclist Tubes will not die

Well I might be green when it comes to what you guys are talking about but
the fact is is that my cheap crappy tube guitar amp sounds a lot better than
the cheap crappy solid state amp I used to have.  IT always cut through a
lot better at gigs.

But I guess you're right!
Rob McDade
Audiovisual Librarian 
Heritage Collection Development 
State Library of South Australia 
McDade.Rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:McDade.Rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  
North Terrace,  Adelaide  SA  5000
GPO Box 419, Adelaide   SA  5001
Ph. 61-8-8226 4779        Fax 8226 4777 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug Pomeroy [mailto:pomeroyaudio@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Saturday, 16 November 2002 22:08
> To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: arsclist Tubes will not die
> Could it be because nobody makes a real state-of the-art 
> solid-state guitar amp, so you are comparing apples and grapefruit?
> I always hear about how bad solid-state equipment is from those
> who blandly compare the sound of a dumpy $49 component with that of
> their favorite tube version, costing twenty to fifty times as much.
> Give me a break!  Don't forget, there is (or was, before the 
> tubes burned
> out) plenty of crappy tube equipment which sounded awful.
> People seem to forget that.
> Also, I respectfully disagree with G. Newton who would have 
> this type of
> discussion banned from this list. We ARSC members are all 
> very concerned
> about sound-quality issues, naturally. I find I simply don't 
> have time to
> join other lists where I might find informed discussion of 
> this subject.
> Doug Pomeroy   pomeroyaudio@xxxxxxx
> Audio Restoration & Remastering Services
> ----------
> >From: owner-ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (ARSC Digest)
> >To: arsclist-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: ARSC Digest V1 #142
> >Date: Thu, Nov 14, 2002, 11:00 PM
> >
> > Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:06:03 +1030
> > From: "McDade, Rob  (SLSA)" <McDade.Rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Subject: RE: arsclist Tubes will not die
> >
> > Tube guitar amps beat the hell out of solid state ones any day!!
> -
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