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Re: arsclist CD-R Gold Discs

Cameron Kissel wrote:
> Hello All,
> I recently shared a plane ride back from the Bay area with a gentleman in
> the high-end audio business on the mastering end. As the conversation
> progressed to media types I told him that the recent decision by Kodak to
> stop manufacturing gold CD-R's was a topic of great interest here on the
> list.
> As it turns out, the company he works for (which is well-respected in the
> audio biz) is looking in to manufacturing gold CD-R's and he would like to
> gauge the interest of audiophiles and preservationists for the gold CD-R's.
> Since the company is still only considering making the leap in to
> manufacturing gold CD-R's, they would like to understand what kind of market
> demands exist for the product. As such, he would like for any and all who
> are interested to please contact him.
> If anyone would like to get in touch with him, please contact me off-line
> for his name, company and email address (he did not want me to blindly post
> his info here).
> Best Regards,
> Cameron

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