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Re: arsclist ELT TT

From:           	"Art Shifrin" <goldens2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To:             	<ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject:        	arsclist ELT TT
Date sent:      	Thu, 7 Jun 2001 15:18:04 -0400
Send reply to:  	ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Art wrote (among other things):

> -the ability to accommodate disks with diameters larger than 12"
--- still true
> -the ability to play ANY diameter disk (i.e. less common sizes such as
> 10.75, 8, smaller than 7", etc

--- not true - the most expensive model will go from 5"

 -the ability to play vertical cut grooves

--- the only restrictions are those I mentioned. Broadcast vertical 
cut at max 12" are o.k. - the stylus had the right shape. As usual 
you only need to reverse the phase in one channel.
> Theoretically, a system that could track phonographic grooves without
> having to come in contact with them is a terrific concept.   I hope
> that ELT continues its R & D.

I think that the feedback from the archiving community will push in 
the right direction. However the balance between features and 
sales volume and the ploughing-back of development funds is a 
commercial decision - alas.

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