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Re: arsclist Any email addresses for sound archives in Berlin GERMANY

Information about the UNESCO project can be found at the following site:
One of the participants listed is Dietrich Schuller of the Phonogramme Archive in Austria and ARSC member or former member.  He would be a good contact for you, and you can write to him by clicking on his name.
  For other archives, Register and participation can be done at:

Regarding field recording images, there were some very interesting field photos in a book by the person who ran the Folklore Institute at Columbia University...which moved, I believe, to Arizona State University in the early 1970's.  You might try to find information of those items from the Ethnomusicology folks at Indiana University Folklore Archive:

Paul T. Jackson - Trescott Research
Information resources and library development

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Stevramm@xxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 6:45 AM
Subject: arsclist Any email addresses for sound archives in Berlin GERMANY

| I just returned from visit to Berlin where there is TERIFFIC exhibit called 
| "Seven Hills" which is up until October. I the "Knowlewdge" section there is 
| an interactive display with pictures of early phonograph field recordings 
| made in the field as well as other neat images. My specialty is collecting 
| image or photos with Phonographs on them to this really interested me. The 
| credits were in German and mentioned the Berline Archive of Ethnology as the 
| source of the photos and recordings and a project called "Memory of The 
| World" which was organized by UNESCO to preserve these early sounds. I can 
| find no sound archive listed in the ARSC Directory. And I couldn't find 
| anything on the WWW except the Berlin Technology museum. Can anyone help me 
| contact someone to obtain copies of these photos?
| Thanks,
| Steve Ramm
| ARSC Treasurer

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