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NEH Grants

Thanks Brenda for your good (and quick!) reply to my query about using CD-R in preservation projects.  I'll probably end up giving a call to NEH to get the low down.
The NEH has launched an initiative they are called "Extending the Reach" which is designed to encourage applications from states that have not received as much support from them in the past.  Alas, Illinois is not one of them...  but Nevada is! :>)
As part of this initiative, they have a category called Preservation Assistance Grants.  This seems to be different than the regular Preservation and Access division.  Grants are small, only up to $5,000, and they seem to be largely intended to support consultations and needs assessments, but also can be used for improved storage and access projects as well.  It's a bit confusing because there are also Consulatation Grants available.
Hmm, on re-reading these guidelines (easy to download by the way) reformatting per se is not specifically mentioned, so perhaps I'll need to rethink this.
Anyway, perhaps there are other ARSCers that might be interested in learning more.  The deadline is April 3 and the states targeted are Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.  Better get cracking!
I don't have the NEH URL handy but it's not hard to find.
Time to get some lunch and rethink the project a little.  I appreciate your insights as an NEH panelist.  I served once back in the mid 90s but have kind of lost track of how panels are viewing audio preservation projects these days, so your comments are helpful.
Might see you in Chapel Hill... hard to say at this point.
Til then take care and thanks,
Steve Green
Western Folkife Center

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