Volume 17, Number 1, Jan 1995, p.14


by Susana C. Zubiate, Column Editor
Matte Paint: Its history and technology, analysis, properties, and conservation treatment (with special emphasis on ethnographic objects)
Edited by Eric F. Hansen, Sue Walston, Mitchell Hearns Bishop. A Getty Conservation Institute Publication. 600 pages. ISBN: 0-89236-262-6. Individuals - $45; Institutions - $65.

A topical bibliographic supplement to Art and Technology Technical Abstracts. Includes 1,125 references to information on the history, analysis, deterioration, properties, and treatment of matte paint. Focusing on ethnographic objects, the work also provides abstracts about paintings, painted architecture, contemporary art, folk art, and many other forms of applied art. An introductory commentary and glossary of technical terms provide the conservator with a guide to the range and uses of the literature cited.

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