Volume 16, Number 3, Sept 1994, p.1

President's Letter

by Lesley Bone

I look forward to seeing many of you, September 25 -27 at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove. You should have already received your reservation forms.This year we will be sending out confirmation postcards so that you will know that we have received your application.

All board members have been working hard to make this an interesting and successful meeting. I am especially grateful to Jo Hill and Sarah Gates for helping me with the planning of the meeting. Marlys DeBell the registrar at the Maritime Museum of Monterey has kindly invited us to a reception on Sunday evening. Thanks to Patricia Leavengood's tenacity we will have the postprints on Loss Compensation available for purchase at the Asilomar conference.

This year Glenn Wharton kindly agreed to represent WAAC at the AIC Advisory Council Meeting. This Newsletter includes a short article by Glenn about the meeting.

Pauline Mohr put together the slate for next year's Board members. I hope you all voted so that the 1994/5 Board represents a majority vote. I was rather shocked by the low numbers that vote for AIC positions and hope that we have a better showing. For those of you who feel we do not represent your areas (speciality and/or location) in the ballot please make sure that you make suggestions next year. We only received four responses from the call for nominations which is a little discouraging as I assure you that all suggestions are taken very seriously. Working on the Board is great fun and the amount of work required, even of the President, not very demanding. The organization of the conference is much less intimidating than one might first imagine especially with the enormous help Mary Piper Hough and Chris Stavroudis put in to the whole endeavor. I hope that next year we will see vice presidential candidates from as far afield as Hawaii, Texas and Alaska.

If we have not supplied some pertinent piece of information about the conference please do not hesitate to call me. I look forward to Asilomar, as much as anything, so that I have an opportunity to have a chat with many of you. I am hoping that the casual agenda will make this possible. See you in September!

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