Volume 16, Number 2, May 1994, p.25


Rosanna Zubiate-Brenner, column editor
Photochemistry of Lignocellulosic Materials Cyril Heitner and J. C. Scaiano, editors, The American Chemical Society, 1993, 232 pages, $64.95. (Order from ACS Distribution Office, Dept. 319, P. O. Box 57136, West End Station, Washington, DC 20037.

Provides the first joint discussion by prominent photochemists and wood chemists about light-induced yellowing of lignin- containing paper. Presents new techniques to observe highly reactive intermediates leading to yellowing of lignin-containing paper and describes the research on the identity of yellow chromophores. Discusses research on the reaction pathways leading to yellow chromophores and techniques of stabilizing lignin- containing papers to light-induced yellowing.

publisher's advertisement

What you need to know about the safety of art & craft materials
Art and Craft Materials Institute, Inc., 100 Boylston St., Suite 1050, Boston, Massachusetts 02116. Tele. (617)426-6639.

The Art & Craft Materials Institute is a nonprofit association of manufacturers of art and craft materials that sponsors a certification program to demonstrate conformance with the mandates of the federal Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials Act, which requires labeling for possible health hazards and conformance with certain voluntary quality standards. ACMI seeks to "create and maintain a positive environment for art and craft materials usage; to promote safety in art and craft materials; and to serve as an information and service resource on art and craft materials." It produces a newsletter which includes information on current state and federal regulations affecting manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and users of art and craft materials; the latest toxicological findings; and new information on art and craft materials. For a brochure which gives more information on the organization and the newsletter, write to the address listed above.

"Methods of Labeling Objects"
Registrars' Quarterly, Spring 1994. A publication of the Registrar's Committee - Western Region. Newsletter editor: Deborah Slaney, The Heard Museum, 22 E. Monte Vista Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85004.

Registrars' Quarterly is a serial publication produced within a professional association, but many of the concerns of registrars overlap with the concerns of conservators. This entire issue is devoted to methods of labeling objects, and it contains the following articles:

"Unsolved Mysteries of Marking," by Ted A. Greenberg (Registrar for the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco)

"Labeling those Itsy Bitsy Objects," by Ann Michele Poulos (Curator of Collections at the Tempe Historical Museum in Tempe, Arizona)

"Labeling Procedures at the J. Paul Getty Museum," by Sally Hibbard (Registrar at the J. Paul Getty Museum in Malibu)

"Applying Labels to Textiles, Costumes, and Accessories," by Martha Winslow Grimm (textile conservator in private practice)

"Labeling Systems at the Denver Museum of Natural History," by Elaine Hughes (Anthropology Collections Manager) and Carolyn Leckie (Conservator) and the Denver Museum of Natural History

"Labeling Prints, Drawings, Photographs, and Negatives," by Henrietta Tye (Registrar at the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego) and Janet Ruggles (Chief Conservator of Paper at the Balboa Art Conservation Center)

"Methods of Labeling Objects: Bibliography and Resources"


The Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America
by Edwin Tappan Adney and Howard I. Chappelle, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983 [1964], 242 pages, paperbound, $24.95.

"This book will tell you how to build these craft, what tools and materials were used, and how they were prepared for incorporation in the boat."

publisher's advert.

The Eskimo About Bering Strait
by Edward W. Nelson, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983 [1899], 520 pages, paperbound, $29.95/

"An indispensable book for anyone interested in the art and material culture of the Alaskan Eskimos because it illustrates and describes the many well-documented artifacts collected by the author from a vast geographical area between 1877 and 1881."

publisher's advert.

Museum Studies in Material Culture
Susan M. Pearce, editor, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992, 188 pp., paperbound, $16.95.

"The interpretation of material culture in museums has recently reemerged as a vital area of multidisciplinary research, embracing not only the interpretation of artifacts but also the analysis of collections and their history and that of the museum itself as a cultural phenomenon. These essays, drawn from both European and American scholars, take up many of the theoretical concerns in this rapidly expanding field of study."

publisher's advert.

Museums, Objects, and Collections
By Susan M. Pearce, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993, 312 pp., paperbound, $16.95.

"The author intends to explore the philosophies and cultural traditions which underlie museums, their collections, and the objects which make them up, and to see how meaning is created amongst them."

publisher's advert.

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