Volume 15, Number 3, Sept 1993, p.1

President's Letter

by Patricia Leavengood

As my term of office comes to a close, I would like to thank all those who contributed their time and expertise to the continued success of our organization. Mary Hough, WAAC Secretary/ Treasurer, has completely reorganized the files, improved the bookkeeping system, and ingeniously sorted out our tax and legal issues. Chris Stavroudis has, as always, performed his duties as membership secretary with care and diligence, as well as stepping in whenever needed for all the miscellaneous chores that are essential to the operation of WAAC. Heartfelt thanks also to our newsletter editor, Liz Welsh, who has unfailingly provided information, support, and extremely helpful advice on a myriad of questions, as well as producing an excellent publication. While elected officers serve WAAC well in a variety of ways during their terms of office, the ongoing work of these three individuals provides the continuity and basic organizational knowledge that allows WAAC to function smoothly and efficiently year after year.

I am grateful to members-at-large Jane Bassett, Elisabeth Mention, and Sharon Shore for their support and help as board members, and I am most pleased to turn over the presidency to our very capable vice president, Lesley Bone. Lesley, among other feats, has succeeded where others have failed in securing space at Asilomar for the 1994 meeting. She will provide more information on this and other topics at the 1993 meeting. Thanks are due as well to those members who have generously given their time as regional reporters and column editors for the newsletter, and whose concerted efforts add to the newsletter's interest and usefulness.

The upcoming annual meeting promises to be informative, thought- provoking, and relaxing. In keeping with the WAAC tradition of inclusivity and open exchange, the meeting program will offer high-quality papers on a wide range of conservation-related topics, as well as a symposium and discussion on "Loss Compensation: Theory and Practice." The Marconi Conference Center is a tranquil, charming site, conducive to informal gatherings and outdoor activities. There are no museum receptions or laboratory tours planned for this meeting. Instead, you are encouraged to explore the beautiful Marin County coast and adjacent wine-growing country, and to schmooze with far-flung colleagues.

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