Volume 12, Number 2, May 1990, pp.16-17


Rosanna Zubiate, column editor

Institute of Archaeology Publications (IAP), has released its Archetype book list for the winter of 1989/1990. To ask for this list or to order books write to: IAP; 31-34 Gordon Square; London WC1H 0PY.

A National Trust training video for staff working in historic houses has recently become available to the public. This video is available through: The Housekeeper; The National Trust; 36 Queen Anne's Gate; London SW1H 9AS.

Allan F.M. Barton. CRC Handbook of Polymer-Liquid Interaction Parameters and Solubility Parameters.

"Now available for the first time, this valuable reference presents polymer solubility parameters and various polymer-liquid interaction parameters in an easy-to-use form." Available from: CRC Press, Inc.; 2000 Corporate Blvd., N.W.; Boca Raton, Florida 33431. $295.00, 2,121 pp., 1990.

Ralph O. Allen, (editor). Archaeological Chemistry IV.

"Announcing...a new volume that explores the ways in which the techniques that help chemists characterize materials in their efforts to improve the future can also be used to help us understand our past."$89.95, 524pp. 1989.

Now available from University of Chicago Press; 5801 South Ellis Avenue; Chicago, IL 60637:
Prudence M. Rice. Pottery Analysis, A Sourcebook.

"Pottery Analysis is a rich and comprehensive sourcebook that draws together diverse approaches to the study of pottery--archaeological, ethnographic, stylistic, functional and physiochemical." $45.00, 560 pp., 1987.

Christine A. Hastorf and Virginia S. Popper, Editors. Current Paleoethnobotany, Analytical Methods and Cultural Interpretations of Archaeological Plant Remains. $24.95, 236pp. 1989.

Dr. Peter Cannon-Brookes, Editor. Museum Management and Curatorship. Published in March, June, September and December. Individual rate $65.00.

"Museum Management and Curatorship provides an international forum for the exchange of information between museum professionals. It encourages a continuous reassessment of the disciplines governing the establishment, care, presentation and understanding of museum collections. Authoritative articles review the whole range of problems confronting curators, administrators, conservators and designers, and assess the solutions that are available to them. Museum architecture, including both the design of new buildings and the modification of existing structures, is of particular concern, so too are the effective employment of manpower resources and the achievement of maximum efficiency and economy." Available through: Butterworths; 80 Montvale Avenue; Stoneham, MA 02180.

Phyllis Mauch Mesenger, Editor. The Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property
and Jeannette Greenfield The Return of Cultural Treasures

Reviewed by Karl E. Meyer in the February 18, 1990 New York Times, Book Review. In reviewing "The Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property", Mr. Meyer writes that only one essay written by David Sasson offers an especially valuable account of the negligent plunder of antiquities, describing the pain from the victim's vantage. A "perspective too often obscured in the 14 other papers by experts in archaeology, law, museum administration and other fields". Mr. Sasson's essay is based on his personal experience, having lived in Nepal and experienced the plunder and pillaging of temples, creating an art market which spurs the looting of ancient sites.

Mr. Meyer describes The Return of Cultural Treasures as a "book with too much undigested data and too little synthesis".

All back numbers of the WAAC Newsletter are available for sale. Each deluxe issue costs $5.00 and is available from the Secretary/Treasurer, Joanne Page. Please specify the volume and number or the month and year when ordering. (New members receive all issues for the membership year in which they join.) Additional copies of the Ten Year Cumulative Index to the WAAC Newsletter are available for $5.00. New members automatically receive the 10 Year Index.

Resource File

The Resource File Committee is continuing work on the new expanded and updated version of the File. It will be available for the October WAAC annual meeting.

Tatyana M. Thompson, Chair.

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