Volume 9, Number 1, Jan. 1987, p.13



Zora's Artists Materials: Art Materials for the Serious Artist. The new expanded 25th Anniversary Edition was published this past fall. Zora notes additions to the conservation section as well as the addition of several Schmincke products and "Pitt" charcoal, a black compressed drawing material. Both of these have been absent from the U.S. scene for many years. Call Zora's toll free number during business hours Monday through Saturday. In California 1- 800-423-9964; Outside California 1-800-525-5111.

The WAAC Resource File, a comprehensive card file system of conservation resources containing over 300 entries covering all areas of conservation. Available for $20 to WAAC members, postage paid, or $25 to non-members. Write to Tatyana Thompson, 4153B 14th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404.

McLean, Catherine C. and Patricia Connell, Editors. Textile Conservation Symposium in Honor of Pat Reeves, 1986. Hardcover, 84 pages, limited edition of 700, only 200 copies left. $15.00 each. Illustrated with 50 B/W and 10 color photographs, this Festschrift includes 13 presentations by textile conservators, scientists and historians. To order, send check for $15.00 payable to LACMA to C. McLean, Conservation Center, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90036 USA. Correction: In Max Saltzman's article, "Analysis of Dyes in Museum Textiles, or, You Can't Tell a Dye by Its Color" appearing in the "Textile Conservation Symposium in Honor of Pat Reeves," plate #8 is incorrect. For a copy of the correct color photograph, please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Max Saltzman, 16428 Sloan Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049.

Mills, John S. and Raymond White. Organic Chemistry of Museum Objects. 1986. Butterworth Publishers, 80 Montvale Avenue, Stoneham, MA 02180. 156 pp. $44.95 Pre-pub price. Survey of the structure and chemistry of the organic materials that enter into the composition of objects to be found in the museum and art gallery. Fundamental chemistry of bulk materials as well as of minor components.

Rapa Nui Notes is an international newsletter published four times each year for all those interested in the archaeology and anthropology of Easter Island. Subscription rate U.S. $12, foreign $20 per year. Contact: Georgia Lee Ph.D., Rapa Nui Notes, P.O. Box 1275, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406.

Stolow, Nathan. Conservation and Exhibitions. 1986. Butterworth Publishers, 80 Montvale Avenue, Stoneham, MA 02180. 288 pp. $89.95. A definitive work on the care, handling and conservation of works of art and museum objects in transit, on exhibition, on loan and at temporary and mobile exhibitions.

The Harpers Ferry Regional Textile Group, eighth symposium, "Textile Treatments Re-visited," is available on tape. Contact: Cassette Recording Company, Inc., 15 East 4th Street, Suite 610, Dayton, OH 45402, phone: (513)222-1024. They also have the 1981, 1982, and 1984 symposia on tape. Also, see description in "Conferences In Review" on page 16.

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