Volume 5, Number 1, March 1983, pp.12-13



WAAC Resource File, a comprehensive card file system of conservation resources containing over 300 entries covering all areas of conservation. Available for $20.00 (WAAC Members) or $25.00 (non-members) plus $2.00 for postage and handling. Write to Tatyana M. Thompson, 1024 S. Orange Grove Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90019.

To receive The Textile Conservation Newsletter---Canada, contact:

Sharon Little
Centre de Conservation du Qubec
476, ave. Desrochers
Ville Vanier, Qubec
G1M 1C2

Liz Crumley has become Associate Editor of LEONARDO, a Journal of Art, Science and Technology, published for 15 years by Pergammon Press. Her new editorial board is interested in articles of 2000 to 5000 words on technological methodology concerning problems/solutions of work on conservation of contemporary works of art. Inquiries, along with a synopsis of the proposed article, should be sent to:

Liz Crumley, Associate Editor, LEONARDO
Art Department, California State University, S.F.
1600 Holloway
San Francisco, CA 94132

Members of an institution may obtain a complimentary copy of LEONARDO for their institution library.

Conservation of Historic Stone Buildings and Monuments, National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20418. $21.25. This report on the findings of a conference sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences' Committee on Conservation of Historic Stone Buildings and Monuments provides an informative look at our present knowledge and capabilities for conservation of stone and the outlook for the future. It includes recommendations on the characterization of masonry materials; mechanisms of deterioration, diagnosis of deterioration and evaluation of condition, and evaluation of treatments for preservation and maintenance.

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