Test Chamber Internal Dimension Overall Dimensions type of Chamber of Volume to be Tested (in Inches) (in Inches) Width Height Depth Width Height A 13 16 4 5 to 7 7 to 10 B 15 19 4 8 to 10 1O to 13 C 15 15 4 8 to 10 6 to 9 D 11 1/2 13 4 4 to 7 5 to 6 E 18 23 4 11 to 13 14 to 17
Each chamber is rounded to a 1 1/2 inch radius along the sides of the bottom to concentrate the abrasive stresses along the edge of the spine of the book. The chamber was designed in this manner to stimulate observed patterns of wear.
The Universal Book Tester is said to produce the following results: 1) abrasion of the shoulder of the spine; 2) impact and abrasion of the headcaps (if any), otherwise the edges of the head and tail of the spine; 3) light abrasion of the covers (sides); 4) limited flexing of the joints; 5) breaking and tearing on the internal hinge; and 6) occasional failure of the sewing, i.e., loosening of the sections and splitting of the spine. (16 )