Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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transitory materials

Library materials designated by the Library Binding Institute as being: 1) materials subject to "normal library usage" that are complete but which may at some later date be discarded and thus are not considered to be a permanent part of the library's collection; and 2) materials not subject to normal library usage, so little used that completeness is not a factor of importance, and not considered to he part of the permanent collection. For the former category, the L. B. 1. recommends that such materials be considered permanent insofar as binding is concerned and therefore bound according to the L. B. 1. standards; for the latter, treatment would depend on the purpose of the library. the physical condition of the materials, and reader requirements. Such materials do not require library binding in accordance with L. B. 1. standards; however, Certified Library Binders (L. B. 1. members), will either develop a type of binding meeting the library's particular requirements, or hind according to the specifications for lesser used materials. See:LUMSPECS . (208 )

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