Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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Lumspecs ( Lesser Used Materials SPECS )

Specifications for the binding of library materials that are expected to receive little use and need not, therefore, be bound according to Class "A" specifications, but which are expected to be used to the extent that they require greater protection than that afforded by a pamphlet box. Essentially, Lumspec binding differs from Class "A" in three respects: 1) the Lumspec book is side sewn instead of oversewn or sewn through the folds; 2) only the spine and a small part of the sides are covered in buckram, with the remainder of the boards not being covered at all; and 3) the volumes are not lettered. The bindings so produced are called Lumbindings. Lumspecs were devised in 1957 by a subcommittee of the American Library Association's bookbinding committee and were approved that same year by the Library Binding Institute. (11 , 211 )

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