Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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static electricity

A condition of electrical charge associated with friction, which is a phenomenon occurring in paper and other non-conductors. In the paper mill it may be due to circumstances involving its manufacture, such as evaporation, friction against the cylinders and felts during shrinkage which takes place during drying, or when it is being glazed, calendered, etc. It also occurs when the paper is on the printing press, folding machine, or other converting equipment. The electricity causes the sheets of paper to adhere to each other or to machine parts, and may cause operating slowdowns. The drier the paper the more easily it retains static electricity, so that increasing the amount of water vapor in the air and storing the paper under carefully controlled conditions in an atmosphere of 65 to 70o relative humidity may reduce the problem.

Static electricity in the papermaking or processing machine may be reduced by passing the paper through electrical fields or by having grounded netting or trailing wires by the paper web.

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