1. A property of a material stemming from an
alteration of its surface characteristics, which,
in the case of paper, pertains to fiber
characteristics. In so far as internal sizing of
paper is concerned, it is a measure of the
resistance of the paper to the penetration of
water and/or various liquids, e.g., ink; while in
terms of surface sizing, it refers to the increase
of properties such as water and abrasion
resistance. abrasiveness, creasibility, finish,
printability, smoothness, and surface bonding
strength, as well as a decrease of porosity and
surface fuzz. 2. The process of adding materials
to a papermaking furnish or the application of
materials to the surface of a paper or board to
provide resistance to the penetration of liquids
and, in the case of surface sizing, to affect one
or more of the properties listed under 1.
Traditionally, papers are BEATER SIZED ,SURFACE SIZED and TUB SIZED .
Papers are generally classified into three groups
according to sizing; unsized, weak-sized, and
strong-sized. Unsized papers are WATERLEAF (1) ;
weak-sized papers are SLACK SIZED ; and
strong-sized papers are HARD SIZED . Blotting
paper is an example of waterleaf, while sized
newsprint is slack sized, and bond paper is hard
Rosin sizing is the principal size used for
machine-made papers, while gelatin is often used
for handmade papers. 3. The application of a
sizing material, e.g., albumen, to the edges of a
book before laying on the gold leaf. 4. The
process of applying size (glair) to the covers of
a book or directly into the blind impressions
before tooling in gold. 5. The process of sorting
books similar in size into batches for treatment.
(17 , 52 , 62 , 67 , 161 , 309 , 320 , 350 )