Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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1. The dimensions of a book as measured by its height. Size is usually given in centimeters (or inches), or, in the case of miniatures and fine bindings, in millimeters. The fold symbol, e.g., f°, 4°, 8°, etc., is used as an indication of approximate size. A book is said to be "narrow" if its width is less than three-fifths of its height, "square" if more than three-fourths, and "oblong" or "landscape" if the width of the cover is greater than the height. The width of a book is generally given only when unusual, or for old books, fine bindings, and in restoration work. When both are given, height is given first. In describing fine bindings it is not unusual for the thickness to be given also. See also: BOOK SIZES ;FOLDINGS ;SIZES OF PAPER . 2. A glutinous substance prepared by boiling the hides and bones of animals. It is sometimes used for sizing paper. See: GELATIN ;GLUE . 3. Any material used in the internal sizing or surface sizing of paper or board. Typical sizing agent s include rosin, gelatin, glue, starch, modified celluloses, synthetic resins, latices, soluble nylon, waxes, etc. 4. A material, such as GUM TRAGACANTH , boiled in water and used as a base (size) to support marbling colors. See (also: ALBUMEN ;EGG ALBUMEN :GLAIR ;LETTERING SIZE : SIZING .

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