1. See: PLOW . 2.
The process of reducing the overall natural
substance of a tanned hide by removing small
pieces with a currier's knife (the sharp edge of
which is at right angles to the blade), the blade
being held at right angles to the flesh surface of
the leather. The operation is performed over a
special beam, one having a flatter surface than
that of the beam used for other leather-making
processes. The pieces shaved off are useless as
leather and were sometimes boiled in water to make
glue or gelatin sizing for paper. The purpose of
shaving is to make the skins even in thickness, as
well as to smooth and clean them. Virtually no
hides and very few skins are shaved today, the
process having been replaced by splitting. Any
shaving that is still done is usually of light
skins and is done by machine. (363 )