In a limited sense, an independent publication
consisting of a few leaves of printed matter
stitched together but not bound, and with or
without self-, or other paper, covers. While
independent in the sense that each is complete in
itself, it is not uncommon to issue pamphlets in a
series, usually numbered consecutively. In a
bibliographical sense, a pamphlet has been
variously defined as a publication of not more
than 8 pages, one not exceeding 5 sheets, one not
more than 100 pages, one less than 80 pages, one
not less than 5 nor more than 48 pages, and as a
publication consisting of one folded section
(signature), regardless of the number of pages
(but generally never more than 128). In early 18th
century England, a pamphlet was described as work
consisting of 20 leaves in folio, 12 in quarto and
6 in octavo. A periodical issue is not generally
regarded as a pamphlet. See also: PAMPHLET BINDING (1)
. (12 , 139 , 142 , 234 )