Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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pamphlet binding

1. The business of binding sheets as they come from the press. The folded sheet (or sheets) is wire-stitched, or the leaves are secured by an adhesive, usually a hot-melt. The binding may include a cover of a stock heavier than that of the publication itself. Pamphlet binding includes the binding of pamphlets, periodical issues, and other publications, and represents, in total volume, the largest branch of "bookbinding." The term, however, which stems from the days when the writing of political pamphlets was popular, is unfortunate, in that the binding of telephone books, directories, and similar publications, is classed as pamphlet binding. 2. The style in which such publications are bound when they are issued by the publisher, i.e., saddle stitched, side sewn, or side stitched. (320 , 339 )

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