1. A printing process which involves the
transferral of the image from a litho stone or a
plate to a rubber-covered cylinder, which is then
offset by pressure onto the paper. The image area
of the plate is receptive to ink, whereas the
balance of the plate is water receptive. 2. The
inadvertent transfer of (printing) ink from one
printed sheet or illustration to another sheet.
Offsetting of this nature may occur during
printing, in the printing warehouse storage area,
during folding of the sheets, or during binding
(pressing) before the ink is completely dry.
Offsetting from illustrative matter onto text
matter is probably more common than that from text
sheet to text sheet. Also frequently called "rub
off" or set off. See also: BARRIER SHEET . 3.
The result of undried ink or excess ink
accumulating on some part of the printing press
after the paper leaves the impression cylinder.
This ink is transferred to the paper at the second
impression and, if the registration is not
absolutely accurate, the offset will give a shaded
edge effect to the print. See also: DOUBLING . (17 , 69 , 316 )