Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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barrier sheet

A leaf inserted in a book to prevent the transfer of ink (and possibly acid substances) from a plate or illustration to a facing page, as well at times to elucidate the plate or illustration it accompanies. The sheet may be a highly sized paper, so called acid-free paper, or, more often, glassine paper. It may be loose in the book, sewn in with the binding, or, in the usual case, tipped to the leaf it protects. Barrier sheets are frequently made of an inferior quality of paper, one which will eventually develop acidity that can in turn be transferred to the facing text leaves, weakening them. For this reason, they should be removed, or, if they bear letterpress and therefore must be retained, deacidified and buffered, strengthened (if necessary), and reinserted in the volume. See also:ACID MIGRATION . (173 )

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