Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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Ferrar, Nicholas ( 1592-1637 )

One of the more interesting figures in the history of English bookbinding. Ferrar and his relative, John Collet (as well as Collet's wife and 14 children), and Ferrar's mother, established a semi-religious community called the English Protestant Nunnery, at Little Gidding, in Huntingdonshire, in about 1625. Ferrar employed a bookbinder, who taught the family the craft, as well as gilding and the so-called pasting-printing by means of a rolling press. The members of the community produced the remarkable "Harmonies" of the Scriptures, one of which was produced by Mary Collet for King Charles 1. Some of their bindings were in gold-tooled leather, some were in velvet which had a considerable amount of gold tooling, and one was in red parchment with the center and corners of each cover ornamented with pieces of white parchment, pierced and gilded. Some of the embroidered bindings of this period have also been attributed to the so-called nuns of Little Gidding. (50 , 205 )

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