drawn marble
A general term applied to a type of edge marble
consisting of multi-colored scales. The colors
used are black, blue, or green, yellow and red,
put on the size in that order. The black is
dropped on in such a manner that the first drop
comes into contact with the edge of the second,
the second with that of the third, and so on, so
that a color ribbon is formed. The blue (or green)
is placed on the size in unconnected drops on both
sides of the black. The yellow is dropped on both
sides of the black so that each drop of blue has a
yellow center and the red is placed so that each
drop of yellow has a red center. The colors are
then drawn by a stylus in wavy lines through each
other past the black, producing white lines
between the colors. The comb is then drawn across
producing the scales. Variations of drawn marbles,
in addition to comb edges, include the "American,
" "bouquet, " "peacock, " and "snail." (264 )