Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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1. The process or technique of impressing a design into the covering material of a book by means of a stamp or BLOCK having an engraved or etched surface. The term applies to the impressing of type, blocks, etc., with foil, leaf, etc., or without (BLIND BLOCKING ). Since the area that can be blocked by hand is relatively small (about one square inch, or less), large areas are blocked using a BLOCKING PRESS . The permanency of the blocking, particularly when gold leaf is used, depends largely on the pressure applied by the craftsman, or the force of the blocking press, which drives the raised surfaces of the block or die into the covering material. Hand blocking may be done on curved or flat surfaces, while blocking by means of a press is generally done on flat surfaces only. 2. The surface tackiness that book cloths sometimes develop as they age. 3. An undesirable condition in which a dry adhesive film is reactivated by heat, pressure, moisture, etc., and adheres to a material in contact with it. (94 , 179 , 236 , 276 , 309 )

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