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Virginia is home to such notable people in American history as Pocohantas, Edgar Allan Poe, Booker T. Washington, Meriweather Lewis, William Clark, and seven U.S. Presidents. These public figures have been memorialized in Virginia's 653 outdoor sculptures scattered throughout the state.

SOS! depended on 200 volunteers from groups that included students from Mary Washington College, the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and the Junior Women's Club of Hopewell to find that over half of the 653 sculptures must be conserved to preserve Virginia's heritage.

Do you recognize the names Meriweather Lewis and William Clark? These two Virginia natives were famous leading the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804 across the United States. Check out the sculpture in Missouri where their adventure began.

Click on the images to see their stories!

VA  DARK STAR PARK.JPG (27272 bytes)  VA Pocahontas.jpg (45382 bytes)  VA  POE.JPG (45581 bytes)   


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